'i think something very very wrong is going on in England.' my Deutsh drinking partner said with a moment of concern. 'i tried to telephone my son and there was just silence.'
'Yeah I had the same when I rang home.' I wanted to finish my drink and just go back to my room and check the news but this lady looked bloody miserable. I gestured to the barkeep for another for us and inwardly sighed. Hey,maybe I would get lucky this time? Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Julian, bet you never had someone thirty years older than you,you French fuck. The thought made me queasy. Still,her features were softening with every sip of the beer. Alcohol can take years, not to mention pounds,off potential conquests. Mmm granny fanny.
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Friday, 25 February 2011
Allergy girl part 3
'Ha marny farny sarny harny marny day, harna say izza Lizzy' came the beautiful,slightly African tribal sounding, tunefully accurate voice of my older sister Mary before she stared at me with an expression of comical confusion whilst simultaneously making a flat monotonous 'aaaaaaaa' noise and vanishing into her bedroom.
When I was being born and my mother was in labour my mother's brother Damon baby sat Mary whilst my dad was with her. She came to visit with Uncle Damon after i'd made an appearance and as she'd gotten a little agitated waiting in the waiting room Damon had leant her his Walkman. Damon was a geeky rocker who accorrding to my mum never quite got the look right. But he was amazing with Mary and had a uncanny way of calming her down like no other could,like some kind of,dare I say it,Retard Whisperer.
When my sister was brought in to see me she was listening to whatever radio station Damon had it tuned into and somehow catalogued in her somewhat unusual brain the song that was playing at the precise moment she saw me. How,you may think,do I know what song was playing? Well Mary had found the volume dial and turned it way up to eleven,thank you Tap fans,and Damon heard the strains of a favourite ditty of his followed by Mary shrieking at the top of her voice, 'Phroar, Uncle Damon, have you farted?'
Whether or not Uncle Damon had indeed committed an act of flatulence upon seeing me,his niece,for the first time is one of our family's mysteries,however the song that became Mary's self-penned masterpiece, 'The Lizzy Song' was not a mystery.
I happened upon the track when digging through my Uncle Damon's cds after he died when my mum and I went through his stuff. 'Since You've Been Gone' by the band Rainbow is the song that Mary made her own and if you too sing the above lyrics along to the chorus you'll see it fits perfectly.
But hey this story is about ME,not Uncle Damon, although he can be part of this if you want. Back to where I was before I sidetracked...
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Allergy Girl part 2
Okay,so things aren't quite that intense,but I am allergic to all of those things and do have similar,albeit majorly less dramatic,side effects. Most people, when they introduce me into conversation,can't help but focus on my allergies and love to take morbid pleasure in listing them off one by one. I'm more than just a pox-ridden pus-filled girl-shaped blister,i'm a human being!
My name is Elizabeth and I am around twenty. I live at home with my mother and elder sister Mary. Mary is sixteen years older than me and is severely autistic. She is taller and stockier than me and is as strong as an ox. Most of the time as pleasant as can be,drawing pictures, singing in her special made up language that makes me think of African tribes she's like a grown up four year old. But piss her off and she'll pulverize you! Anything can piss Mary off. Last month she accidentally bit the inside of her lip whilst eating a cheese and tomato sandwich. A split second after noticing the pain and the blood on her bread she erupted in a ear-perforating shriek and struck me a left hook to the eye which sent me reeling off the kitchen chair and smashing my head off the oven door. I needed three stitches on my head and had a plum for an eye.
My mother developed an immunity to Mary's outbursts years ago and is about the only person who can control her when she's in her worst of tantrums. But these were rare occasions as we were both good at calming her down.
Our father left us when I was about eleven months old,i have never known him,after he witnessed Mary punch the living shit out of me and my mother having to shield me from her flailing fists. Mary hated children,especially when they made any kind of loud noise. Father was a physically and mentally weak person and I believe scared of his own offspring. He vanished one day with the majority of his and my mother's joint savings and the car,oh and Tara,the Alsatian dog that apparently worshipped the air I breathed.
I must hasten to add however, Mary is no psycho and we would never ever have her institutionalized. Her medication helps and she's very independent for some one of her nature. Most of her time she spends in her room where she draws, watches telly, listens to music. Sometimes it's amusing to hear her having conversations with herself,answering each question in another voice an octave higher. Idlings out aloud of what she was thinking, maybe what she fancied for tea. I'd lay on my bed listening,forgetting my bruises. However things started getting a little bit weird when I heard a third voice, the Other Mary.
Friday, 18 February 2011
Bluebirds part 2
As soon as i'd seen the news I left my room with a fuzzy booze head,the kind you get when you've drunk some but not enough,and cruised to the lobby.
The hot blonde receptionist,let's call her Aurora, was a-flustered. Cheeks ruddy,phone handset jammed beneath her pixie chin,half a dozen irate suited men shouting abuse at her. Obviously it was her,and her fault alone,that the country had come to a stand still, and it was perfectly reasonable and not to mention totally productive to hold her personally responsible for the entire fiasco. One thing worse than tourists were businessmen. Thinking they had special privilages because they were important. I'm sure Aurora,if capable, would have happily tugged on a nipple to inflate the emergency dingy that she kept inside her sphincter for crisis such as these,and sailed these fuckers like Chitty Chitty fucking Bang Bang to Angleterre,that's French for England,if it stopped them from mentally stapling her to her 'help desk' or whatever their wine-stained wank-sticks where envisioning!
Well even though my heart,and other major organs,went out to her I needed some info on the airport situation so I went to sit patiently at the bar opposite her desk. I ordered a lager and sipped it and watched as she finally cracked under the pressure and screamed at the men. Poor girl. A couple of extra staff members came to her rescue so my mind was put at rest.
There was an old woman at the bar,two piece red velvet skirt suit...actually why the hell am I telling you what she had on? As if I was checking her out! But this old gal caught my eye,and she smiled warmly at me and nodded over to the receptionist. 'they think it's her fault but it's not. It is easy to focus one's anger on the closest person.' I detected a German lilt in her voice when she spoke. The barman handed her a clear drink with ice.
'you trying to get to England too?' I asked expecting confirmation.
She shook her head and paid the barman,'not yet no,i'm on holiday from there though,visiting relatives in Germany. A one night stay here first though.'
'Ah right,well i hope you'll get to your destination without the troubles i'm having.' I said trying to sound gentlemanly but no doubt coming across as sarcastic or patronising.
Taking a long,rather unlady like, swig of her drink she looked at me out of startling green eyes and said sincerely, 'you don't know the half of it yet. I hope you like croissants sir because your stay in France,' she spat the word out, racism? '..is going to be a long one.'
Monday, 14 February 2011
''allergy girl and the other mary''
The first entry this year,wow a lot has changed in four months: more teeth,more hair,more words. You are coming up to your 1st birthday and you can stand almost without support,you can feed yourself better than i can,you can drink from sippy cups,you can tell us when you want your dummy 'nana,nana',you can sit up and boy are you verbal.
Your eczema's still a pain in the quiche and we've still not discovered if you've got an intolerance to milk. You are still the cutest and even though you've weed on me numerous times,shat on mummy,spat and sneezed food on me,made me question everything and rip my hair out by the chunks,made me cry when you were ill over xmas,all the fiery bad things are quenched and extinguished by just a laugh or a smile or you lifting your arms out to me. You stress me out but i couldn't be without you,just like your mummy:) I LOVE YOU XXX
But teeth are good,limit sweeties and stay away from toffee and you'll have a gorgeous set of pearly whites when you're my age... Oh and don't whatever you do try and bite through things that human teeth really aren't made for: plastics,metals,Greggs sandwiches
Girl you coughing,spluttering going red like that was something i never wanna see again!
The ambulance seemed to take longer than you took to come out of mummy's tummy! And after they'd checked you out,you had the cheek,the sheer audacity to smirk and laugh at the paramedics! I mean i thought my sense of humour was sick.....
But as i said to them,i'd rather they come out here just to give you a cuddle than it be for anything else. And i know how you love those 999 programmes you watch in the morning,but i don't want you bloomin starring in one!
Don't,i repeat,DON'T bloody Well worry me like that again!!! I'm no spring chicken,i can't take that. You're my little Cherub and i NEED you! I love you! Xx
I was very Well impressed at your liking for jazz the other night,your face mesmerised by the different instruments you could hear as much as mine were. I wonder what music you'll like,whether you'll read books,if so what kind?
You're nearly six months old now,just a couple of weeks,and i can't believe it.
Your wicked sense of humour is moving at an alarming rate,the other day you laughed at a little girl falling out of a flowerpot she was having her picture taken in. Plus i love how you love the zombie game where i pretend to eat you. I love how you can lip-read only me,It's like we have our own secret language. You are truly beautiful.
You're starting to have your first proper foods now,they sound quite adventurous i hope that you always are prepared to try new and exciting things. Each day with you in my life is worth twice as much as the previous. You and mummy make me so warm and wanted. I spend my time thinking of what you'll look like as you grow up,i see little toddlers in the streets and wonder if you'll look like them,but you won't you'll look like you. I find myself fantasizing about you talking and taking you for walks but i'm in no rush to wish the time away. You are amazing Martha-Mai,my little baby girl,i love you to bits,i love your smiles and your laughs and the silly games we play.
You can do so much for such a young age,they say you are way advanced for your age. Will you be able to say mine or Mummy's name by April? I detect a Child Prodigy alert. Looks like you got more than just my looks ;-]
But with my brains and MUmmy's brains and mine and MUmmy's combined sexiness, you are gonna be capable of saving or obliterating this planet!!!
However,SuperGirl, remember you roots and to save those from who you came from
I love you
Oh my god! The day was so tedious and stressful. The pain and anguish of seeing the one i love in so much agony,high as a kite on gas and air,repeatedly stabbed and prodded with injections and speculums. Epidurals! Drips and wires coming from her wrists like some beautiful pink-haired marionette. And then the horror and fear when the doctor says Baby's heartbeat has dropped a little so a caesarian is called for. In a matter of minutes MY wife is whisked off into theatre,and she ain't going to see no Shakespeare! I wait and pace the floor in over-sized scrubs and await my call. The nurse comes out. 'Mr Cash,can you come in please?' I go in,people everywhere,masks,wires,monitors and the machines that go 'ping!' I sit to the side of Manda's head holding her hand and talk to her as the surgeons cut and pull our baby out of her. A tiny bluish bundle is shown to us briefly before It's whisked away and weighed and prepared like fruit. The elderly Indian doctor says 'It's a girl!' and a midwife with multi-coloured headgear with dragons on gives me something more amazing and priceless than anything I've ever been given. MY baby! Her little face screw up and screams at me and It's the most euphoric feeling I've ever experienced. I'm so happy i feel as though i must be watching it all on tv. It must be happening to some other person. But the seven point eight pounds of weight in my arms tells me otherwise. Welcome to the world Miss Martha Mai Diana Cash,It's good to meet you,good to have you hear. My daughter,my cherub. I swear to protect,love,and worship you for the rest of my life. Count all the pores on your tiny body and you still wouldn't get anywhere near the amount of kisses i want to give you. I LOVE YOU Xx